We all have our own key.
A key with the perfect mechanics to unlock
our vitality and validity of existence.
Your key only works for you, mine only works for me.
A key with the perfect mechanics to unlock
our vitality and validity of existence.
Your key only works for you, mine only works for me.
But this can be a lonely and scary place, to have sole custody of our key to happiness.
It is easier to distract ourselves by focusing on the misery of others and try to ‘save’ them in finding the path to happiness. We use our own hardships as inspiration to design a program of recovery for them. This also provides a shelter from the suffering and loneliness of self discovery – failure is shared and blame is easily distributed when you are attempting to rescue others in distress. For we know full well that this will be the scariest and hardest thing we will ever do … to venture into the vacancy of self. So off we go in search of others in need and around the Mulberry bush we go, monkeys chasing weasels.
But let this be a hope …
It is easier to distract ourselves by focusing on the misery of others and try to ‘save’ them in finding the path to happiness. We use our own hardships as inspiration to design a program of recovery for them. This also provides a shelter from the suffering and loneliness of self discovery – failure is shared and blame is easily distributed when you are attempting to rescue others in distress. For we know full well that this will be the scariest and hardest thing we will ever do … to venture into the vacancy of self. So off we go in search of others in need and around the Mulberry bush we go, monkeys chasing weasels.
But let this be a hope …
You know the prescription YOU need.
Your prescription of values, standards, inspiration, intuition, creativity, purpose, insight, strategy, compassion, discipline, responsibility and elemental ‘getting your shit together’ is perfect for you, not those you are trying to help, but you. You know what you need, to find your hidden valley of happiness.
If you want to support others, be the inspiration. Let them see how you use your own key to unlock and explore all of your greatest aspirations and desires. Yes, it is scary and the responsibility is great, but the rewards and deepest satisfactions are just as unique for you alone, and are waiting, just as theirs is waiting for them. Your greatest and most effective charitable act, will be to empower them to find theirs.
My job as a coach is to not give you any keys I have found, but to help you find yours and share HOW I have found mine. I will support your seeking, I will hunt the depths of your forest with you and unscramble the puzzles. But you my friend, will find what I could never … your own happiness.
Journal Questions
~ How do you distract yourself with the suffering of others, instead of replenishing your own key to wellness?
~ How can you inspire others to find their own prescription for wellness?
~ What do you need right now that will unlock, rejuvenate, inspire, and reconnect you?