Keep and Eye on Your Fuel Gauge
It makes sense to all of us.
What goes out, must have something coming in first.
We can't give what we don't have....
So when we are going into a season of high costs,
why then do we not even consider what we need in order to have enough?
Our credit cards get maxed, our time gets crammed, our patience gets tested, our stressors get magnified, our bodies get toxic, our hearts get pushed.....and the only thing we have of abundance is good old guilt and shame. So we go into survival mode to just get through it, running on fumes.
So - Where do you get your fuel?
This is a much harder question than what it seems.
For some of us it is a foreign concept to even consider.
Here's the thing :
It's not the same for everyone.
Your body, your heart, your mind and soul, all have a unique and specific prescription required in order to run properly. There is no outside formula that will tell you what that is, you have to build your own. Yes, there are definitely some suggestions - but that's all they are. Once you learn how to listen to your needs - then you will know how to find your own ways of filling them.
So what is it that are you listening for?
That which puts you in SURPLUS
You know you have found a fueling station when you are gaining :
higher energy, creative thinking, resilience, compassionate analysis, clear strategies, integrity, ingenuity, loyalty, understanding, studiousness, rest, opening of heart and mind, courage, freedom, vulnerability ...
to bring into your life the things that give you surplus.
It is not owed to you, nor is it any kind of luck of the draw.
It is your design
to bring into your life the things that give you surplus.
It is not owed to you, nor is it any kind of luck of the draw.
It is your design
~When you are noticing evidence of surplus ...
What are you doing?
Who is there?
What other indicators are telling you what you need?
~ When are you stealing or demanding your needs from others
How can you find another source that is better suited for you?