The Designation of Mentorship

Are you stuck under the flow of mentorship,
passing along whatever is coming at you, onto those after you?

After understanding the FLOW of Mentorship, the next requirement is the designation.
We must be intentional with who we are mentored by, and who we mentor.

Lets start by looking up 
Who is it that we are receiving our mentorship from?
You not only get to choose your mentors, but it is your responsibility.

Some are mandatory and out of our control, but only in power sources and authority.  Employers, elders in the family, community representatives etc hold position of influence but need not be our mentors.  However, greater still is the ability to turn their position into a great source of learning for you - especially when they are intoxicating the flow and poisoning the input. 

Turn your power sources into mentorship 

But what about the good stuff?  Are you getting enough positive influence in your life that will challenge you, push you, nurture you, inspire you, and create a drive in you to push your own evolution forward?

From social media input, to sitting at the feet of an elder, it is your responsibility to purify who and what is influencing you, and the resources you are receiving from them.  If they do not have what you need, then find another mentor.

Now let's look after us, to those who follow.
You don't get to choose who you mentor, but it is your responsibility to donate freely to those who choose you.

Again, some are mandatory, our society is made up of layers upon layers of hierarchy and power systems.  Youth, students, community vulnerables, those who are coming after you in your field of learning, are all waiting to see what you have to offer and if they can grow under your influence. 

Turn your power in mentorship.

The best way to know how you are influencing those after you, is to listen and watch.  Look at how they respond to you and if they are eagerly seeking your resources or if they are numbing out or avoiding your influence.  It is your responsibility to develop a space that best suits those who need to learn from you, even if it is encouraging them to find a new one.  It is also your responsibility to balance your own agenda from your learnings, with the opportunity for new concepts to develop.  We must create the environment for growth and change beyond our comforts of what was, and into the unsettling and often scary unknown of all that is possible.

So be diligent and disciplined as you take inventory of your mentorship system.
Purify the input of influence that you are receiving, 
and in turn give freely to those who are seeking shelter to grow and learn.

Menstorship is a priviledge and opportunity,
not to be taken lightly


Journal Questions :

LOOK BEFORE - List and describe all the influencers in your life right now.
     DO they have power that they shouldn't in the evolution of your heart and mind?
     What is your criteria to hold the honorable position of being your mentor?

LOOK AFTER - List and describe all of the influenced in your life right now.
     How are you providing a space of learning and inspiration for them?
     What do you need to send down the river of humanity?

copyright kori sych, quaero mea life coaching.  

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