Detaching From Other's Negativity

I was enjoying a coffee in Tim Hortons a couple weeks ago, and there was a man behind me who was eagerly ranting to his peers about some sort of service injustice he had suffered (not from Tim Hortons, but from another business).  Every sentence, he was showcasing how he so valiantly called them names, swore and threatened to call the police.

Perhaps he was wronged, but his energy was pounding into my back with a thick weight that slithered into my chest that I certainly found it hard to give him any benefit of the doubt.

It was a great exercise in detaching myself from toxic and negative energy.  I wasn't overly inclined to remove myself physically – so I needed to find my own production of positivity and not allow his perspective on his world to influence mine.

This is key:  HIS perspective on HIS world, not MINE.

There are so many ways that those surrounding us radiate their energy into our own.  Some are strangers, some are loved ones, and some are even our lifelines.  However, it is OUR responsibility to accept or reject the energies that will benefit us.  We need to develop our skills in ways that we uphold the freedom to roam this earth with our own equilibrium no matter the situation we are in. This takes work - sometimes really hard work.

We are naturally designed to mimic and hop into the energies of others,
so we need to constantly train, retrain and practice
the art of detaching.

So I took a few deep breaths, and didn't allow his negativity to influence me by consciously maintaining my own inner equilibrium.  I focused on the things I was enjoying before he arrived.  It wasn't all!  I also took it one step further, I wasn't going to use his rantings as a way to gather quick assumptions and judgments about him in order to help me separate and protect myself.  That wasn't going to help.  Feel better, maybe, but not help.   He was angry, he was being short sighted and was enjoying hurting others to gain his own elevation.  That’s ok.  I don’t know his story.  Maybe that’s all he had to work with that day, maybe any day.  Frankly, it’s none of my business.

But I do know my story, and I know how I want to move through my life.
I know how I want others around me hear me speak, and tell my stories.
Angry, sad, happy, excited ... I want to maintain my own balance...
and THAT is my business.


Journal Questions

~ Think of some negative people in your life right now.  List them.
        How can you compassionately release them into their own perspective?
        What do you need to understand about them that will help you detach?

~ When you are faced with a negative energy,
       What are some tools you can use that will help you maintain your own inner equilibrium?
       Be creative and clear.  Write these down - it will help you find them in your mental files when the time comes.

~ When are you radiating a negative energy towards others?
       How can you help others detach from your crankies?

copyright kori sych, quaero mea life coaching.  

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