The Flow of Mentorship

I believe that we as a society would do best to embrace the momentum of the evolution waterfall.

Those who have gone before, can contribute to those who follow.
Those who follow don't owe those who have gone before, but have a gift of resources to grow from.
It is the mentors, the leaders, the elders, who owe our next generation.

This is how evolution works, the progress and development of anything requires the building of new from the old, in reconstruction or in addition.

Our societal chaos results when the water tries to flow back up the fall.

We see leaders pulling power and alliance of those that follow, through dictatorship and manipulation.  They are clamped onto the progress they have made, yet unrelenting in passing it along to the descendants.
We see youth rebel against their entrapment and push up, cut out and reorganize their resources, raging against what was.  They often forgo any benefit of what has been discovered, in the hopes of starting their own.

When mentorship is properly in flow,
the elders supply the mature,
the mature supply the youth,
the youth supply the newbies.

This is progress, this is evolution.

This can be in the family unit, or in our communities.  But it is also in years of experience or skill.
Regardless of age, those with greater experience have to acknowledge their mentorship opportunity to those who may be just starting out in that particular field.

We are ALL mentors and mentees in one way or another,
we are not all however, being responsible with our place in the flow.

As a mentor, we need to provide the opportunity for our followers to leap frog ahead and carve out a new exciting path of evolution for the water to flow.

As a mentee, we need to listen carefully to the ways before us and heed the cautions as well as the hard learned lessons in order to keep the flow going forward.

Mentorship is a delicate balance between receiving the gifts above us,
while donating abundantly to those who follow.


Journal Questions:

~ Who is above you right now in mentorship?
        Listen carefully with respect and admiration to their experience and wisdom,
          how can you be a responsible mentee?
        What are you learning from them?
        Reach out to them somehow and give a note of appreciation.

~  Who is below you right now receiving your mentorship?
       Listen carefully with respect and admiration to their fresh hunger for change,
          how can you be a responsible mentor?
       What are you teaching them?
       Reach out to them somehow and give a note of encouragement.

copyright kori sych, quaero mea life coaching.  

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